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Today's quote:

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Cheers to old friends



We had old friends from Sydney staying at Riverbend: John and Anna. We showed them the sleepy hollow of Nelligen and had a beautiful lunch of lambs fry and a glass of the old vino at the Batemans Bay Bowling Club.

John is one of nature's gentlemen and was my boss in 1985 - click here - just after I had returned from my last overseas job. His was a very successful million-dollar-business (and I like to think that with my help it became even more successsful), but that was before his then wife and later the Australian Tax Office cleaned him out.

In more recent times, according to this webpage, he worked as "Santa Claus in department store promotions. Plus a couple of commercials. Have had acting lessons with Tony Bonner. Have made a lot of short films in the late 80's. Shot extra work on the coast for a couple of companies. Done extra work in Qld." The twists and turns of life!