Last week they took a biopsy of skin from my forehead. This week the answer came back - and it isn't good: Mel and Omah have ganged up on me again. So next week I'll have part of my forehead removed - which should raise a couple of eyebrows!
I don't look forward to it but, as T.E. Lawrence said in this famous match-burning scene in Lawrence of Arabia, "... the trick is not minding that it hurts ..."
To the best of my sand-blinded recollection, I never read those words in Lawrence's epic Seven Pillars of Wisdom but neither can I claim to have read all of its 275,000 words. I mean when I came across words like Snainirat, Mukheymer and Thlaithukwhat, I just said to myself, "Oh, that", and hopped a few lines until my pronunciation buds had simmered down again.