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Today's quote:

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

The Bookbag

Things looked a bit dull this morning so we went for a drive to Ulladulla to spend a couple of hours in the pool, alternating between lap-swimming and sitting immersed up to our necks in a hot-tub, and followed it up with a Beef Stroganoff, washed down with a glass of Chateau Cardboard, at the local bowling club. With plenty of time left, we drove a little farther north and wandered through the picturesque village of Milton.

Back at "Riverbend", the postman had left a book-parcel containing Eric Newby's "Departures & Arrivals", Alain de Botton's "A Week at the Airport", Michel de Montaigne's Selected Essays, and "The Journey to the East" by Hermann Hesse. Enough to keep me occupied for the rest of the week!