The two tailgate boot struts on my little FORD Focus Hatchback have run out of gas. They can't be pumped up but must be replaced, so I phoned my friendly car dealer, South Coast Ford, for a price.
"That'll be $88.95, Sir!"
"For the pair?"
"No, Sir, EACH!"
"But that includes installation, right?"
"No, Sir, that's extra. All up it would cost you $257.10"
"Okay, thanks, I call you back."
Well, actually, I didn't. But I did look up and found that I can buy a PAIR of Tailgate Boot Struts Gas Springs for a 2006 FORD FOCUS HATCHBACK for $19.99, REPEAT $19.99, from Hongkong, postage included.
Sometimes I get the feeling that somebody is having a huge lend of us. I mean, even if I couldn't instal them myself (it's just a couple of simple screws on either side) and I had to hire a brain surgeon to do it, I'm sure I'd still get change out of $257.10.
Thank you,, and no, thank you, South Coast Ford!
P.S. I did email South Coast Ford,
"Some time ago I bought a FORD FOCUS Hatchback from you. The tailgate boot struts have gone flat and I phoned your service department for a price. I was given a price of over $80, not for a pair, but for ONE, or well over $200 for a pair installed. I quickly checked with and found I can buy a PAIR for $19.99 from Hongkong, postage included! Presumably, yours are also made in China which leaves me wondering if this should be considered gouging.
Sincerely (no longer) yours
Peter Goerman"
I am still waiting for their reply ☺