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Today's quote:

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Half the fun of books is acquiring them


After a nice lunch of Veal Parmigiana, washed down with a glass of Chateau Cardboard, at the Moruya Bowling Club, I 'washed up' in a second-hand bookshop where I acquired the following:

The Penguin English Library editions of Charles Dickens' "The Old Curiosity Shop" and "Hard Times", "Going For Broke - How Bond Got Away With It" by Paul Barry, and - for a bit of light reading - "No! I Don't Want To Join A Book Club - Diary of a 60th Year" by Virginia Ironside.

Now leave me alone. I am reading.

P.S. Also picked up three DVDs, The Best of Graham Kennedy, which took me right back to my time at Barton House in the 60s.