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Today's quote:

Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Happy Birthday, Chris!

Disc 2   Disc 3


This is probably the best-ever talking-book version of Kenneth Grahame's masterpiece. So on this special day of yours, close your eyes and be transported back to your favourite place. Here's the theme song to get you into the mood:


The wind in the willows sang softly to me
Follow my voice wherever it leads
From mountains, through valleys, to deep rolling seas
Born on the wings of the breeze
Spin me a dream woven silver and gold
From sunshine and shadows and days long ago
Where people are memories and stories unfold
Willows the tales you have told me
Wind in the willows you'll just seem to know
Who you can turn to and which way to go
To unwind your wonderous mind
Wind in the willows take me there
Wind in the willows you'll just seem to know
Who you can turn to and which way to go
Where people are memories and stories unfold
Wind in the willows take me there
Wind in the willows take me there


For once give the ironing a miss, Chris. Do nothing and just relax!



Have a very Happy Birthday, Chris, and thank you for your friendship!
I shall raise a glass of something appropriate at the appropriate time.