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Today's quote:

Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Es löscht das Meer die Sonne aus

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Early evening in the Bay and I'm walking around, flâneur-like, while waiting for Padma's bus. Even if I say so myself, it's a pretty nice place we live in, and I wouldn't swap it for all the tea in China - well, for $2,125,000 worth of tea perhaps!

Not that I would've wanted to have spend all my life here, I thought, as I passed a down-at-heel accountant's office and reflected that it could have been me sitting there behind that window and doing nothing more exciting than totting up numbers for the local mum-and-dad businesses.

A fellow-accountant from my New Guinea days did just that when he opened a small practice at Nambucca Heads and in the eight years there spent much of his time filling out Centrelink forms for out-of-work cow cockies. Then again, what chances has this guy got selling many caravan parks? Buckley's? Perhaps he's helping the orthodontist in his spare time.

By contrast, the resident seagulls are a busy lot, with patrons at the nearby Starfish Deli being warned not to leave their meals unattended.

And what is it with all the 'street furniture' these days? Who started this craze? Who wants horizontal and vertical beams chopping up the views?

And what has Woolies got to do with mining (other than mining your wallet)? Or isn't this a Broken Hill-ish headframe of a deep mineshaft?

Never mind! As soon as Padma's bus pulls in, we are heading back to the peace and quiet of "Riverbend" and I'll think about giving Elaine a call.

No, not that Elaine but Elaine at the local Animal Welfare League.
