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Today's quote:

Sunday, April 22, 2018

Time for another trip into town?

I've always wanted to know: does the light stay on when you close the door?
Here is the 'scientific' answer.


Having eaten my way through the fridge's contents, it's about time for another trip into town because all that is left is some American mustard, a jar of olives, and a couple of Cokes which are always there just in case an old mate shows up who on Bougainville used to live on Coke and custard. I'm not mentioning names, Des!

I don't really want to leave the peace and quiet of "Riverbend" and so, in order to delay my trip into town, I'm trying to think what sort of meal I could 'construct' out of a few olives, a dollop of American mustard, and a can of Coke. I did discover a large piece of Elaine*'s home-made fruit cake in the crisper and wonder if I could skip the main course altogether and go straight to dessert. (* Elaine is a friend of the family and the purveyor of 'home-laid' eggs and I'm sure she doesn't mind having her name mentioned in this blog)

If all else fails, I shall scrape a week's stubble off my face, put on a new pair of underpants (and the rest), and mingle with humanity just long enough to grab a few comestibles and "tap and go" through the Woolies' check-out without my pulse rising as they tell me to "Have a nice day".

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