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Today's quote:

Tuesday, February 5, 2019

No one is going to put up a plaque for me ...

No idea who he is but I, too, will have my name on that wall, albeit under the year 1965


My Bonegilla Reception Centre registration card


With no one putting up a plaque for me, I might as well do it myself on the Arc Memorial Sculpture at the former Bonegilla Migrant Centre where I had spent the first two nights in my new home Australia - see here.



Two hundred and fifteen dollars seem a small enough price to achieve 'immortality', and perhaps with a bit of luck someone will see the plaque, remember me and send me an email before I go where no email will reach me.



And here are some more old photos of the immigration centre as I saw it in August 1965:



Click here and here for more information on the Bonegilla Migrant Hostel.


Today's memorial site: (click on image to enlarge)


P.S. Hadn't hard from the good people at "Bonegilla Migrant Experience" for some weeks, so I 'phoned to see how my application was progressing (which it wasn't!) and also to ensure they won't forget the diaeresis above the umlaut - as in "Görmann". For a moment they thought I was talking about having had too much of last night's curry :-)