My first 'real' job in Australia was as a 'Bank Johnny' which gave me a much-needed leg-up in the commercial world. However, the pay was lousy and many 'Bank Johnnies' made up for it by working on a milk run in the evening or a paper run in the morning, maybe even topping it off by driving a taxi over the weekend.
Well, milk runs no longer exist, and with everyone getting their news off the internet, I don't know about paper runs. As for taxis which at one time were considered "the best one-man business in town", with taxi licences regulated by State governments and fetching six figures, they're all but strangled to a slow financial death by all those Uber-drivers.
I just discovered this taxi-doco on YouTube which turned into a series of seven. Fascinating, entertaining, and hailing back to a lost time. Enjoy!
Did you know? The glue on Israeli postage stamps is certified kosher.