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Today's quote:

Friday, April 9, 2021

Has it been four years already?


It is almost impossible to imagine the Australian political landscape without John Clarke in it, but that's the new reality following his death from a heart attack on 9 April 2017 while hiking in the Grampians in western Victoria on Sunday.

For decades, Clarke has been there to skewer the pomposity and doublespeak of politicians on our behalf – even if many of them wore that skewering as a badge of honour.

"His laconic wit was rarely wide of the mark. I should know," Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull said in response to news of Clarke's death. "With lethal accuracy he made politicians and prime ministers his prey. With Bryan Dawe, his weekly take-down of the absurdity of political life became required viewing. His satire served a noble purpose. It spoke truth to power. It made our democracy richer and stronger. It kept politicians on their toes. And best of all it made us laugh along the way."

Has it been four years already?

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