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Today's quote:

Tuesday, March 1, 2022

High tide at "Riverbend"


After several days and nights of unrelenting rain, we woke up to a beautiful morning. It had been a downpour of biblical proportions, and several towns on the North Coast copped it sweet, with Lismore practically under water, and even part of Brisbane being evacuated.

I'm not saying it couldn't happen here but, considering that we had a "high" high tide of 1.62 metres this morning at 8.55 when these photos were taken, there's still plenty of clearance under our jetty.

More rain is forecast, and we shall keep handy our "evacuation pack" which contains a change of clothing and toiletries together with our passports, insurance policies, cheque-book, credit cards, and a copy of our last tax returns to remind us what lies we told them last time.

In the meantime, there's nothing like splashing out with some of that water in our overflowing tanks, and splashing about in a hot bath.

Googlemap Riverbend