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Today's quote:

Saturday, January 28, 2023

My lumberjack days are over!


My treefelling days are definitely over, so when a tall tree was dangerously overhanging my powerline, I emailed ESSENTIAL ENERGY again and again for almost a year.

I couldn't get much of a response from them until I finally threatened to have one of those Leopard tanks destined for the Ukraine positioned outside their offices in Port Macquarie that things began to happen.

On the first day they came with a huge cherrypicker to lop off the top.

Very early the next morning they rolled up with this cute KUBOTA to take down the remaining stump and clean up the mess they had made.

I took a photo of their phone number if I ever need them again:


This is NOT a paid advertisement


Then my trusty old mate Troy came with his chainsaw and log splitter to turn the lot into firewood. I just hope I live long enough to use it all up.



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