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Today's quote:

Friday, April 30, 2010

When a man is an island

David Glasheen on Restoration Island in Far North Queensland, of whom I wrote in my Thursday Island travelogue, is still attracting the world's attention. Even the New York Times ran his story.

Just now I received an email from Holland which I redirected to him:

Dear Sir,

For an article for a Dutch travelmagazine Columbus, I am writing a coverstory about Island Caretakers. I found a very old blog on your website, from 3th of May 2005. I was very interested in David Glasheen's story, so I would like to contact him to do an interview. Could you please provide me with his contactinformation?

Thank you in advance!

With kind regards,
Mariska van Brederode
Columbus Magazine
0031 23 534 6830