You hear it all the time now; politician talk about it, it's on the telly and in the newspapers, and they even run workshops about it: the dreaded 'work-life-balance'. It sounds as though it's something we must have. If we don't have it, we're doomed.
A few decades ago, we wouldn't have known what they're talking about. Yes, we might have said that we preferred to spend a bit more time on the beach or at the pub, or even with our families, but as for life, our work was so much part of it that it made no sense to talk of it as something separate.
Work didn't cut against the grain of life; it was naturally integrated with it. We were lucky enough to feel that our work was part of our lives.
I was one of those lucky ones. On reflection, my work-life-balance was appalling, but that was my choice. I might've been called a workaholic, but the truth was that work was as much a part of my life as leisure.
I lived to work, and I worked to live, and I had a great time doing both.
I had come full circle: I slept in the room next door.
Thanks for the memories!