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Today's quote:

Wednesday, January 8, 2025

This will blow your mind!



These 269 pages of grants made to various Aboriginal Agencies make you wonder what on earth would have happened if the referendum on The Voice had been approved. If this information had been made public before the vote, it is doubtful Yes would have even managed 10% of the vote.

You don't have to read it all; just pick a few stops along the way to see how money gets spread around, often for inane reasons like someone needed a new trailer!

By the time you get to page 269, you almost feel sorry for the miserly $500 doled out to "WOTJOBALUM History fun with Uncle Ron" on page 269. Poor ol' Uncle Ron! He's got a lot to learn on how to rip off the Australian government - ahem! - the long-suffering Australian taxpayer!

I just wished they'd sent me an invitation to their $50,000 "Beach Experience" on Cable Beach in Broome in Western Australia (page 171).

Click here for the full report - which is just for the six months from 1 January 2023 to 30 June 2023!!! - and don't be surprised if it doesn't show a total at the end. It's probably withheld on purpose to stop you from blowing your mind!!!

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