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Today's quote:

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Explosive material, but not bombs ...

Q: How did the Western world fall?
A: Guys in caves sent explosive printer cartridges from Yemen.

You gotta love Alex Jones for laying it all out in all its utter manufactured preposterousness.

The sad thing is the majority of the population in the US, the UK, and Australia still buy the government BS lock, stock, and barrel.

Are more people catching on?


Will it happen "in time?"

Hard to say, but no one can blame Jones for being shy about explaining it loudly and often in exquisite detail.

More from Alex Jones on staged terror [here].

Is there no end to this bullshit?

First, there's no bomb.

Then by the end of the day, there is a bomb.

But it's not really a bomb (though the media keeps calling it a bomb), it's just "bomb-making material."

The UK had the package and could not find the bomb material in it until the US told them to "look again?" Give me a break.

What's the moral of the story?

The guys who make bogus security screening equipment need a stimulus package in the form of compulsory new screening device orders.

Shades of the post-"underwear bomber" walk-through X-ray machine which by the way puts out TWENTY TIMES the radiation claimed.

But don't worry.

If you don't want to be fried by a full body X-ray every time you get on a plane, a government-employed pervert will happily feel up your private parts to make sure you're not going to set your crotch on fire and bring down the plane you're on.