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Today's quote:

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Music self-made is happiness self-made

The Eurobodalla Adult Education Centre will run an 8-night course from early February until the end of March on how to strum a ukelele.

Judy Malonyay
Never played an instrument before but always wanted to? Want an enjoyable way to destress? Want to be part of a local and world-wide music movement? Come and learn the ukukele! It's cheap, portable and easy to learn - just 4 chords and we'll have you strumming.
Date: Mon x 8, 7 Feb-28 Mar, 5.30-7pm, Batemans Bay, $95

What an enjoyable way to destress indeed! (or should that have been 'distress'?)

Both Padma and I have enrolled in it. As soon as I have mastered the chords and recovered from the all-important voice-altering operation, I shall give Tiny Tim a run for his money.