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Today's quote:

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

HIP hip hurrah!

My friend Manfred Richter was supposed to have returned from his holiday at the Hideaway Island Resort in Port Vila on the 11th! Knowing how much he wanted to tell me all about it and not having heard from him since his return, I phoned his number in Brisbane but all I got was an answering machine message.

So I emailed the Hideaway Island Resort to hear if he had perhaps booked himself into the place permanently. Here's their reply:

"Hi Peter,

Am sorry, I thought you already heard. Manfred had a fall during his stay and broke his hip and wrist. I think he fell off from one of the stairs in the restaurant as I wasn't there when this happened but heard from one of our staff.

He flew out on the 10th on a normal flight but his friends flew out the next day and he is now in Princess Alexandria Hospital in Brisbane.

I hope you get in touch with him if you call the Hospital.

Thank you

I told him not to get drunk; his pacemaker just can't handle it!

Anyway, I've gone to Princess Alexandria Hospital's website to send him a Get Well e-card.