from left to right around the table at the Chinese restaurant:
Our local friend Heike, Padma (hidden behind Heike), Alison
from France and her companion Andrew (who is Maggie and
Clayton's son), our Canadian guest Clayton, Heike's husband Siegfried, moi, and Clayton's wife Maggie
We took our Canadian guests for a swim to Ulladulla. Unfortunately, Clayton didn't get much time in the water as he made it his task to check all the lockers to identify the ones with defective locks.
Having identified the Claytons lockers, he insisted that management mark them appropriately. Mission accomplished, he gave us all a big smile and the Victory-sign. Thanks, Clayton! What would Australia be without you? ☺
After a Chinese lunch and a quick visit to the local op-shop, we are back at "Riverbend" and getting ready for another cultural evening.
If you buy stuff on line, check out the seller carefully.
Be careful what you purchase on eBay.
A friend has just spent $100 on a penis enlarger.
Bastards sent him a magnifying glass.