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Today's quote:

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Books R Me


Some blokes collect stamps, others matchboxes or even motor bikes (I once met a crazy Pom on Karragarra Island in Moreton Bay who had a motor bike in every room of his four-bedroom house - which was a highset Queenslander!).

I collect books. I read them and I keep them! Which means that over the years I have accumulated several thousand books and my "Library" is overflowing.

So I have started rebuilding my bookshelves, higher and sturdier than the previous ready-made shelves, and covering all the four walls of my 6x6-metre library. I have almost completed the first wall and it may take me a full week to do the rest.

Let this be a warning to the unwary about the perils of obsessive book-collecting: bibliomania is a fatal disease for which there is no cure!

card-carrying member of Bookaholics Anonymous
"Where books come first and our lives come second"