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Today's quote:

Sunday, November 24, 2013

Most men lead lives of quiet desperation and go to the grave with the song still in them


Do you lead a life of quiet desperation? (to use Henry David Thoreau's words) Will you go to your grave with the song still in you?

We now live in an interconnected global village and escaping from the daily rut of a very ordinary life has never been easier. One case in point is the Malaysia My Second Home programme which offers non-Malaysians a ten-year renewable visa and various other privileges which are explained in this website.

I lived and worked in Malaysia and still have expatriate friends who retired there in circumstances far more congenial than in their own homelands. In all, some 12,000 foreigners have retired in Malaysia and the programme continues to generate a lot of interest.

Under the programme, applicants are required to show they have sufficient financial resources to live in Malaysia without seeking employment or other assistance from the government.

Applicants under 50 are required to show liquid assets above RM500,000 (about $165,000) and a monthly income of over RM10,000 - or approximately $3,300 - (which is not taxed in Malaysia).

Applicants over 50 must have assets over RM350,000 (about $115,000) and a monthly income of RM10,000.

Interested? Well, click here (well, maybe not there but here ☺ ) and make Malaysia your second home!