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Today's quote:

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Listening to the same (re-)tired old jokes

(part of my Sydney trip 1st - 3rd December 2013;
stay tuned for more)


It was good to catch up with "Burkie"; as for the rest I didn't know a single one (anyway, you've seen one retired banker, you've seen them all ☺ )

That I only knew one of the hundred-or-so retired bankers may have something to do with the fact that I worked for the Bank for a mere two-years-and-a-bit as I didn't want to spend my whole working life swimming in the cerebral shallows. At least 25 (or is it 30 ?) years of service are usually required before one is admitted to the Retired Officers' Club.

The President introduced me as the Club's blogmaster, describing me as 'the young man who joined the Bank just after having come off the boat from Europe'. Well put, Mike! Don't mention the war!

So will I go again next year? Perhaps not - this retired banker just wants to be a loan!

There is a saying amongst bankers that 'once you withdraw, you lose all your interest'; however, I shall continue to look after their blog at anzroc.blogspot.com.au.