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Today's quote:

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose


It sounds so much nicer in French, doesn't it? But it's just as true in English - "The more things change, the more they stay the same" - just look at today's "Riverbend" Cottage above and below my Bougainville donga in the 1970s.



Can you spot the difference? Correct; the red chair is of a slightly different design but it's all a friend of mine could find as he went shopping - PHOTOSHOPping, that is! - to make me feel at home before I move into "Riverbend" Cottage while Padma is in Indonesia.

I mean, why keep a big, two-storey house clean and warm when I can relive the good ol' Bougainville days sitting in a red chair on the porch of "Riverbend" Cottage? Throw in a dash of rain on the tin roof and I can almost hear the surf crash on Loloho Beach!

My donga is my castle! And I'm the boss in it - and I have my (absent) wife's permission to say so ☺