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Today's quote:

Sunday, October 26, 2014

The devil finds work for idle hands


With the wife safely away in Surabaya, this may be a good time to start on the long overdue kitchen renovation!

However, to ensure the surprise awaiting her doesn't turn nasty, I had better proceed with caution: so far I have only looked at Bunning's Kaboodle Kitchen website which makes it all seem so simple.

Methinks I start on HALF the kitchen first and let the 'better half' return before doing the second half. The first half will be to remove the old wood-burning stove (which hasn't been in use since I've been here). Move into its place - temporarily! - the refrigerator and remove the old broom cabinet to instal a 1000 mm x 1000 mm corner pantry cabinet in the freed-up corner.

Then move all the STUFF from inside the old pantry on the opposite wall into the two new pantries, demolish the old 1.5m wide pantry, and replace it with a smaller 600mm pantry and a recess for the fridge.

Move the fridge into its new recess, then demolish the old cooktop bench and instal four 450mm wide 2-drawer cabinets inside the brick archway. Add the drawers and doors and kickboards and instal the benchtop, and have a beer (or three) while planning the "attack" on the second half.

If all goes well with the first half, I may even attack the second half before the 'better half' returns and attacks me for not completing the job.