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Today's quote:

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Want to be our neighbours?

The property offered for sale is inside the red lines
The seven acres of "Riverbend" are outlined in yellow


Back in March 2011 a Canberra couple wanted to buy "Riverbend" but then decided that $2 million for a two-storey brick house on seven acres of waterfront land was too expensive.

Instead, they bought the small timber cottage and adjacent vacant block across the lane for $950,000 and $750,000 respectively, or a total of $1.7 million. Now they're selling up again which perhaps isn't surprising as they had already abandoned the place in early 2012.

What is surprising is that no-one seems interested in buying it. Last Saturday's auction, despite extensive (and expensive) advertising and weeks of 'Open Houses', secured no buyer. The Cottage has now been listed for sale by private treaty with an asking price of $799,000; the vacant block of land is listed at $529,000.

Their loss could be your gain so if you want to be our neighbours ("just don't mention the war" ☺), why not make them an offer?