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Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Just an update


We haven't been swimming at the Ulladulla pool since they banned me for doing a Number 1 in it. "But lots of people are doing it", I pleaded. "That may be so", they said, "but not from the top of the diving board".

Only kidding; the Ulladulla pool doesn't even have a diving board. We haven't been going because we've both suffered from bouts of coughs and colds. Nothing seemed to help: not batteries of bottles of cough mixtures, nor throat gargles and nasal sprays.

Finally, I schlepped off to one of Batemanns Bay's many foreign-born doctors. His name may be even less pronouncable than the antibiotics he put me on but I've been impressed by his diagnostic skills from a couple of previous visits and now feel I might be on the mend.