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Today's quote:

Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Dental departures and arrivals

The Dental Surgery of Dr Grant Brodie, (SYD.UNI.)
"Gentle on your teeth and gentle on your wallet."


My previous dentist was more interested in her financial than my dental health and so I took my money and my mouth to Dr Brodie who had been recommended to me for his high professionalism and low fees.

I've just come back from his friendly surgery in Ulladulla and wasn't disappointed as he simply oozed confidence and competence and put right whatever had been wrong with a minimum of fuzz and for a minimum fee. As I told him, "Coming here is almost a pleasure!"

A 'Schedule of Fees' in Dr Brodie's waiting room

And while we're on matters medical, remember when I saw my GP recently about my blocked ears? The National Hearing Centre was running "free" hearing tests in the GP's office at the time of my visit, and stitched me up for a $50-consultation before I even had time to get my ears unblocked. They seemed more disappointed about their loss of business than pleased about my having regained my hearing when I cancelled my appointment.

Rather prematurely, they had already passed on my personal details to the ambulance-chasing Industrial Deafness Australia Inc. from whom I received a letter extolling me to enlist their services by legal consultants to claim 'up to $1,850 for every 1% Industrial Deafness'.

According to them, no time limits apply and I could even claim if I finished work many years ago. So which of the many offices whose deafening silence I worked in can I blame for my hearing loss? Or should I simply continue to suffer in deafening silence?
