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Today's quote:

Saturday, March 4, 2017

Racist or realist?


This astonishing video, which sees Liberty GB leader Paul Weston claiming the UK needs to mount a 'defence' against Islam, has had more than a million views. It begins with Mr Weston simply stating “Hello, my name is Paul Weston and I am a racist”.

As he explains: "The Labour party think I'm a racist, the Liberal Democrats think I'm a racist, the Conservatives think I'm a racist, the BBC thinks I'm a racist, I must therefore be a racist".

And he continues, "Why am I a racist, it's very simple, I wish to preserve the culture of my country, I wish to preserve the people of my country and in doing so this makes me a designated racist in my country".

He's chairman of Liberty GB whose Mission Statement reads as follows:

Liberty GB is Britain's most outspoken political party. We will address all the political issues Great Britain currently faces, something the three main parties (along with UKIP) so conspicuously fail to do.

The Liberal Democrats, Labour and Conservatives manifestly refuse to discuss the most important issues of our time, namely mass immigration from the Third World, the steady rise of fundamentalist Islam and the hijacking of traditional British culture and institutions by well-organised left-wing 'progressives'.

There is no guarantee at such a late stage that Britain can be saved, but Liberty GB will endeavour to put a stop to our rapidly accelerating descent into economic, educational, moral, cultural and social ruin. Britain could be a wonderful country again, but it will take politics bordering on the revolutionary to achieve this vision.
