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Today's quote:

Saturday, April 15, 2017

Hubert Hofer's second 15 minutes of fame


My friend Hubert Hofer got his first 15 minutes of fame in 2008 as one of the "Merauke Five" and is now, after almost a lifetime spent on Thursday Island, sailing south in his beloved MV Tiga Kali to retire in Cooktown.

His parting gift to the Torres Strait, which made headlines in the 'Cairns Post', is what he thinks is the coral-encrusted anchor of the convict ship "Governor Ready" which was wrecked in the Torres Strait.

Hubert plans to continue his 'maritime career' in Cooktown by turning a shipping container into cyclone-proof living quarters. Stay tuned!
(decided to build in Besser Block after he saw lightning strike a container just 30 metres away. Besser is 'besser'!)



Safe voyage, Hubert, and don't forget the EPIRB!



P.S. Here's Hubert's own website and some of his stunning photography of Torres Strait which I know he would want you to look at.