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Today's quote:

Saturday, April 25, 2020

My reflections on ANZAC Day


As Far as My Feet Will Carry Me (German: So weit die Füße tragen) is a 2001 film about German World War II prisoner-of-war Clemens Forell's escape from a Siberian Gulag in the Soviet Union back to Germany.

It is based on the book of the same name written by Bavarian novelist Josef Martin Bauer. The book is in turn based on the story of Cornelius Rost who used the alias "Clemens Forell" to avoid retribution from the KGB.

Much of the dialogue in the film takes place in languages other than German, such as Russian, Chukchi and Persian. At certain points in the film, no subtitles are provided, deliberately so as to impart upon the audience the sense of helplessness felt by the main character, who knows only some Russian.

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