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Today's quote:

Thursday, June 18, 2020

All's Well That Ends Well!


Barbeques Galore had promised a two-week delivery but after the third week, when autumn had already slipped into winter, there was still no sign of my new fireplace. Had I signed up with Barbeques Galore or Promises Galore?

A stiff email to head office, and they phoned next day. The fireplace had arrived! Then another call. The installer would come tomorrow.

Nathan was standing on my doorstep before I'd even had a chance to wipe the sleep out of my eyes. And what a joy it was to watch a man who knows what he's doing! The flue and chimney cover were installed and the new fireplace connected and a bright fire blazing away before I'd a chance to complain about another cold morning at "Riverbend".

A glass (or two?) of Glühwein by the fireside later, all was forgotten and forgiven to Barbeques Galore, and a big "thank you" to Nathan and his offsider Tracey. If you need a fireplace installed, call 0439 925 423.

What had all the makings of a Shakespearean tragedy turned into one of the bard's lesser-known comedies. All's well that ends well!

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