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Today's quote:

Wednesday, September 23, 2020

"Smoke" got in my eyes

This is Auggie Wren's Christmas Story right at the end of the movie


While enjoying the last piece of my week-old birthday cheesecake, I also enjoyed watching this deceptively nonchalant movie about a bunch of Brooklyn characters who puff out their troubles in a corner smoke-shop.

Watching this funny and entertaining and slightly philosophical movie drifting and swirling like smoke across the screen, I wanted to meet all those people and talk with them about life and love and bullshit.

Problem is we are still in corona-lockdown, I'm still a non-smoker, and my "New York-connection", with whom I'd be staying in Fairfield, is still a non-drinker, and I simply couldn't live on Coke alone. So, instead, I'll just watch this movie again and hope "Smoke" won't get in my eyes.

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