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Today's quote:

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Advance Australia bare!

More than 5000 people braved a cool morning to get naked on the steps of the Sydney Opera House yesterday to take part in an organised photo-shoot by American artist (artist?) Spencer Tunick, who is known around the world for his large-scale images of nudes posed in stunning formations.

The photo-shoot, in cloudy conditions, took about 90 minutes with volunteers then allowed to return to their clothes, which had been left scattered in the neighbouring Botanic Gardens - a scene described by one television commentator as resembling a teenager's bedroom on a massive scale.

Morris West in 1960 wrote an Australian novel which he named, rather presciently, "The Naked Country". How right he was!

It just goes to show we get our culture not just out of yoghurt tubs!
I am so proud to be an Australian!  Australia über Alles!