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Today's quote:

Thursday, December 12, 2024

Shingle Bells, Shingle Bells, all around my waist ...


Nelligen Community Christmas Carols will have to do without my stentorian voice this year because I HAVE SHINGLES! I'm in a lot of pain and feeling pretty damn sorry for myself, and the only party I'll be attending is a pity party for one.

Speaking of which, I've been going to more funerals than parties this year, and one of my New Year's Resolutions will be not to attend any funerals in the future - unless I get a surprise invitation to my own!

Other than attending all those funerals, it has been a remarkably unremarkable year which is fine by me. I still find each day too short for all the thoughts I want to think and all the books I want to read, so let there be many more unremarkable years, but, please, no more shingles!

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