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Today's quote:

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Stay tuned !

Texas Dave and yours truly

Just came back from a drive to Moruya where we visited Texas Dave's Planet TX-Music Store to buy another cute ukulele.

The ukulele was made famous by the Hawaiians who, having previously practised cannibalism - to wit, Captain Cook - , turned to playing this tiny four-string 'guitar' and called it 'ukulele' which, very loosely translated, means 'Music to eat your friends by'.

P.S. We also dropped in at our favourite shop, Vinnies, where I picked up a few more books to allay my abibliophobia: Jostein Gaarder's The Solitaire Mystery, Hunting the Wild Pineapple by Thea Astley, John Mortimer's unforgettable autobiography Clinging to the Wreckage, and Michael Crichton's Travels.