I am so fortunate to live at "Riverbend" and yet, after eighteen years here (the longest I have ever been anywhere!), I want a change.
I want a change from static domesticity full of clutter and a return to a more peripatetic lifestyle with just the bare essentials, going wherever the mood takes me, recapturing some of my freewheeling past.
First stop would be Banjar Hills in the north of of Bali, after which I could easily spend a month or two trekking around Munduk, the nearest thing to the New Guinea Highlands sans the bows and arrows.
I feel that this will be the year when "Riverbend" finds a buyer. I will be both sad and happy to leave: sad for the memories I leave behind and happy for the things that await me in the next place, and the next, and the next ...
"I've never seen a sight that didn't look better looking back."