Like me, my huge video collection is ageing. To preserve the most valuable tapes, I thought I'd have them transferred onto DVD at a local photographics store. It would've cost me $59.95 for each tape, so I bought an LG RC689D DVD/Video player/dubbing machine for some $300 instead.
And I have been busy copying ever since. High on my list are some of my almost irreplaceable German tapes, and many of my favourite movies, including "The Riddle of the Sands", a ripping sailing yarn-cum-spy story set in the Frisian Islands off the German coast in 1901.
I had already copied a dozen or so, all of which played perfectly well on the LG RC689D, when I tried one on an ordinary DVD-player which spat back at me, "BAD DISC". I read the instruction manual again from cover to cover, but nowhere did it mention the one vital step I had missed: FINALISATION !
What was missing from the manual were the instructions, emailed to me by LG Customer Services, "Please ensure you are finalizing your discs by selecting HOME|SETUP|DISC|FINALIZE". That manual must've been written by the same chap who wrote TAX PACK.