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Today's quote:

Thursday, May 3, 2012

My next project

Talofa! Welcome to my Samoan fale! It's still at the planning stage but you know how I am: once I've got the idea, I'm like a dog with a bone, so watch this space!

Ever since my days in Samoa in 1978 I have wanted to live in a fale and what nicer place than to build it alongside the 1/4-acre pond overlooking the water lilies, the slow-moving herons and the playful ducks, and the small turtles which inch themselves out of the water onto a sunny spot along the bank.

The coming cooler months will be an ideal time to engage in a bit of strenuous labour. Come spring and summer and I'll be lolling in my hammock inside the fale!

Angela Merkel arrives at Passport Control at Paris airport.

"Nationality?" asks the immigration officer.

"German," she replies.


"No, just here for a few days."