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Today's quote:

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Barton House revisited


A Canadian reader discovered my Barton House webpage and emailed me:

"Wonderful to hear stories about Barton House! I arrived there in 1971 or early 72. The local characters at that time were Peter "Roofrack" and Peter "Barrel" Farrel, RaRa the Kiwi Beauty, Aterha I believe was her real name. Sunday mornings on the front steps, evenings after supper, kibitzing and maybe heading to the pub for a few. One of the Kiwi blokes was quite an organizer. I cannot remember his name but his girlfriend was Megan and was prone to crippling migraines. Anyhow, this fellow organized parties at outlying pubs like Collector Pub. We were a close-knit bunch and I met my wife through a road trip to Sydney to visit an ex inmate Sue.

I did not manage to preserve any photos but I can tell you the menu did not change from when you were there right down to Thursday's "Roast leg of lamb with chutney"

I had a wonderful time there and thank you so much for the memories!

Ron Campbell
18 Martha's Meadow Bay N.E. Calgary, Alberta T3J 4N5