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Today's quote:

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Fenc(esitt)ing no more!

Graffiti artist's impression


Our new neighbours of little more than a year are no longer our neighbours! The removal van has been and gone and the FOR SALE-sign is up.

Has this got anything to do with Council having refused to approve their new fence? No sooner had it gone up than several residents phoned Council and complained. Not me! As I told my new neighbours, having spent the first twenty years of my life next to the Berlin Wall, I could probably bear to live next to theirs for the last twenty. Vive aliisque vivatur!

However, now that they're gone and selling, I asked Council what would happen next. Here's their reply:

"Hi Peter

I refer to your email of the 3/12/12 regarding the refusal of the above DA and advise the following:

  • The application was assessed on its merits. The principle [sic] failing of the proposal was the inadequate design response of the fence to its full site context. The proposed fence is out of context with the site and surrounding area, and particularly as the impact is significantly increased to Sproxtons Lane due to the double frontage. Consequently the application failed to adequately comply with Council’s fencing provisions and the objectives of the E4 Zone.
  • The type of fence constructed is not consistent with the fencing provisions; solid unmodulated colorbond fences to the perimeter of a lot are not characteristic in the area. The fence is contrary to the preferred landscape character of the area.
  • In relation to your question about the removal of the fence, Council’s compliance team are now dealing with the removal of the fence. I am unable to advise on a timeframe for its removal but at this stage given the refusal the fence must be taken down.
Should you have any further questions please contact me on the number below or via return email

Bryan Netzler
Development Assessment Officer"

There goes $15,000 worth of fencing! And our new neighbours!