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Today's quote:

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

First Contact

Publisher Penguin Books Ltd, published 25/02/1988 ISBN-13:9780670801671, ISBN-10:0670801674 hardback, 100 black-and-white photographs.


Went into town today to buy some spare parts for the ride-on mower and also to browse through a second-hand bookshop where I found this little gem of a story of a group of Australian gold miners who make the first white contact with tribes in the New Guinea Highlands.

This encounter was painstakingly shot in 1932 on 35 mm film which had been lost until the 1960s when it was released as a movie.

What a find! I was celebrating it with a coffee and cake in a little café when my stomach started to rumble and I realised that I needed to pass wind. The little café was packed with people but the music was really loud so, to get relief and reduce embarrassment, I timed myself to the beat of the music.

After a couple of songs I started to feel much better. I finished my coffee and noticed that everyone was staring at me. I suddenly remembered that I had been listening to my iPod!

So how was your day?