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Today's quote:

Saturday, August 17, 2013

Padma is in the treehouse and I am in the doghouse


She doesn't quite agree with my current preoccupation with a business in my old stamping grounds of Bougainville Island in Papua New Guinea who have asked for my help in controlling their financial and tax situation.

They are in full flight but have now reached a level of turnover where they need to spend some time on paperwork for their own sake and to keep the greedy taxman at bay.

As my last job was pretty short-lived - click here - and I have lots of time on my hands, I've accepted this new challenge.

It's a little difficult to implement proper procedures and exercise financial controls via emails and I may travel up to Bougainville for a few weeks later in the year.



My wife said if I didn't stop being preoccupied with this PNG business, she'd leave me. I'm really going to miss her. ☺