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Today's quote:

Monday, May 30, 2016

Our Sydney Opera House

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We all own a tiny bit of the famous Sydney Opera House - LITERALLY! To finance the building of the Sydney Opera House, tickets in the Opera House Lottery went on sale in November 1957 and continued until 1986.

The sale of altogether 86.7 million Opera House Lottery tickets raised approx. $105 million, almost the entire construction cost of the Sydney Opera House.

Construction started in March 1959. Fourteen years and the peeling of an orange later - Utzon said his design of those famous 'sails' was inspired by the simple act of peeling an orange - it was officially opened in October 1973. For more information, go to wikipedia.org

By the way, my bit is that top-most tile on the left side of the tallest 'sail'.

If you missed out on the Opera House Lottery, you can still buy your own tile by clicking here.