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Today's quote:

Thursday, June 16, 2016

Achtung! Feind hört mit!

Sproxton Lane's jetties from left to right: # 25; # 27 (just sold for $1.7million); # 29 (the red arrow points to this 'Renovator's Delight' which is currently for sale at $825,000); one vacant block; # 33 (our 'almost-neighbours' across the lane. To the right of the 4th jetty and all the way off the edge of the picture and around the bend is "Riverbend" in all its 7-acre glory


Like family, you can't choose your neighbours which is why we chose to live on a very private acreage at the end of Sproxton Lane where it terminates at the gates of "Riverbend".

Each waterfront block in Sproxton Lane is only 20 metres wide, and in some instances the houses are set back the merest 900mm minimum from the neighbours' fence to give a building separation of just 1.8m.

Life in the country is quiet which in such cheek-by-jowl settings gives a new meaning to the old Elvis song "The Walls Have Ears".

You can't choose your neighbours but you can choose not to have any!