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Today's quote:

Wednesday, November 8, 2017

The whole world is doing an Edvard Munch

Munch's "The Scream" was inspired by the eruption of Krakatoa - see here
If he had lived to witness Trump's election, he would've screamed a lot louder


On this morning, November the 8th, incline your head towards the US and listen. You might just pick up a few stray decibles of the noise created when thousands of concerned citizens commemorate the anniversary of Donald Trump's election by screaming at the sky. One year already! Time flies when everyone seems to be losing their minds!

This event, which goes by the full title "Scream helplessly at the sky on the anniversary of the election", is drawing thousands of screamers, with many more thousands still weighing up their options. Who knows, they may find something better to do, like drinking a whole bottle of anti-freeze or throwing themselves under a bus or changing tyres on a moving car.

I can just see that awkward moment after everyone has screamed for ten seconds and then looks around in a gigantic, unspoken “OK, now what?”
