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Thursday, May 21, 2020

Life after the Durrells


What are we going to do after we've watched the entire twenty hours of "The Durrells"? As you know from my previous post, I bought the full collection on DVD, and we're now into the last one, Series Four, just enough to get us through next weekend.

A wonderful collection to watch, and a wonderful re-collection of my own memories of Greece. Alas, in a sudden fit of totally misdiagnosed "homesickness", I gave it away in April 1985 after just eighteen months.

It could've become eighteen years - and longer, in fact, as my Saudi boss in Jeddah was hoping I would retire in Greece! - but after almost twenty years as an "expatriate", it seemed the right thing to do to return to that wonderful place in my rose-coloured imagination, Domesti-City.

And as we all know, life in Domesti-City is notoriously drab and dull, so here's to "The Durrells", served with a fresh Greek salad, crunchy bread slathered with tzatziki, and all washed down with a bottle of retsina.

Googlemap Riverbend


P.S. "The Durrells" are right now (11 April 2021) live-streaming on ABC TV - click here. Unfortunately, viewing is restricted to Australian audiences: