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Today's quote:

Wednesday, January 29, 2025

Call me Arthur Hoggett!



With my shingles a thing of the past, my self-imposed quarantine from my twice-weekly visit to the pool is coming to an end, and I look forward to not only refresh my body but also my mind as I always find plenty to talk about with my fellow-"aquanauts".

I wonder if a certain Yorkshireman is still there, who unflatteringly said that I reminded him of someone in the movie "Babe". At the time, all I could remember from that movie was the pig, so I asked him, "What, I remind you of Babe the Pig?" "I was thinking of its owner", he replied.


Farmer Arthur Hoggett in the movie "Babe"


When I got home, I immediately looked up "Babe" on YouTube, and there was farmer Arthur Hoggett with his oh so uncanny likeness of my father.


My father's photograph sometime in his early fifties


I read somewhere that as you get older there comes a time when you look in the mirror and see your father's face. Call me Arthur Hoggett!


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