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Today's quote:

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Under construction

I've decided to do something about this 1960-ish house and called in a builder! Here's my wish-list:

Complete modern-look kitchen make-over with gas stove and inbuilts;

Complete modern-look bathroom make-over with whole enlarged floor a wet area, including a spa;

New front door into breezeway, all glass, with fixed glass panels on either side, and glass door in middle;

Completely rebuild upstairs balcony and extend it to full length of house; possibly circular stairway up from verandah;

Rip up all wall-to-wall carpeting upstairs and polish the wooden floorboards, fit vertical blinds;

Take out woodheater in downstairs lounge's fireplace and replace with gas-fired heater, repolish wooden floor, fit vertical blinds.

And the collection of design ideas continues ...

In the meantime, while I am waiting for the quote and for BHP to go up so I can pay for it all, I have installed energy-saving lightbulbs throughout the whole house.