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Today's quote:

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

A room with a view


Having done my back in when pulling up some old wooden boards on the balcony, I was in urgent need of some aqua-therapy and so we drove the 75 km south to Narooma's indoor heating swimming pool.

We made an event of it by staying over at our old favourite, the Ecotel, which is a motel straight out of the sixties with the old-fashionedly furnished rooms overlooking Wagonga Inlet and Narooma Harbour. Munka, the manager, made us welcome again and even allowed our two little dogs to sleep on the premises in the back of the car.

We had Tempura Prawns and grilled Kingfish in Lemon Butter for dinner at the nearby Services Club and breakfast at a street café before driving back to "Riverbend".
